Author - Wael Alrowaihi

My Letter to Parents


Welcome to AlNahadha Modern Schools, Yemen and the 2018- 2019 School year. I am so honored to share with you some of the outstanding attributes  that make AlNahdha Modern Schools distinguished and a unique place to attend school. AlNahdha Modern School offers a modern and up-to-date learning. It offers a variety of programs that engage students in learning and promote academic excellence. Two of our high school scored two advanced positions among the top students in the Secondary Certificate […]

A day in a life of a kid


Having been asked to write, one idea came to my mind: Impulsive kids!
While stepping into the world of children as an educator, I’ve encountered several real challenges for which I’ve found the adequate treatment except a behavior that I struggled to control, which concerns the children who can’t be controlled.
In every classroom there’s always that boy that can’t sit still or has difficulties following the rules and constantly keeps losing concentration, which are all enough reasons to make an […]