Start The 26th training program for Al-Nahdah staff members


On July 13, Al-Nahdhah Modern Schools  has started the 26th training program for its staff members- girls branch under the motto ” With my abilities I can soar”. The preparation for this program has started a month ago taking into consideration what is needed for the school staff  to be there.
The quality and development  program  has done its best to prepare a well-qualified teaching team  in order to make the process of teaching a better one. This program has […]

School year has started


With great enthusiasm and energy, more than 200 twelfth grade students started their school year 2019-2020 at Al-Nahadha  Modern Schools for  both sections; Arabic and English  leaded by a group of qualified teachers ,hoping that this year is going to be a year of success and unrivalled accomplishments.
It is good to mention that this kind of spirit is expected from our students in their first days at school for they resume  studying hoping that they  are going to achieve […]

Opening of kindergarten facilities


On Wednesday, the 5th of December, 2018. Kinder gather in AL-Nahdhah Modern Schools made an activity for kindergarten’s facilities (playroom, library, smart board) which opened by the manager T.Hana’a Al-mandi, T.Fatema Al-Ansari, T.Samah and others teacher.
With a number of parents who showed their happiness and benefit of that day. They expressed their interested in such activity which was unique for Al-Nahdhah Modern School and its kids.

last year report


         2018-2019 has been a very active and successful academic year at Al-Nahdhah Moden Schools –English Section, Boys’ Branch-. Students enjoyed their activities  which were full of excitement and competition. Different classroom and non-classroom activities were held in all subjects. All kind of activities were interesting some of which were:

King of presentation
Sports Events

And many other activities which made this year successful. Whishing all the coming years to be better.

Welcome Staff


Al-Nahdhah Modern Schools welcomes its staff after Eid Alfter.
Mr. Mutaher  Al-Kebssi ‘’school principal’’ gives a speech in which he congratulates Al-Nahdhah Staff and encourages them to work harder creatively and academically in the new year 2019-2020.
Wishing all the best for everyone

Developing my skills to achieve better


Under this slogan, the unit of quality and development has provided the twenty-sixth training program for the administrators and the educational staff for the year 2019-2020. It was generally observed by the responsible of the quality and development unit and the assigned supervisors.
Mr. Aziz Al-Ameer gave a speech explaining the importance of the training program in order to improve the educational staff performance. He also explained the content of the training program which was supposed to last from 13/7/2019 […]