News & Events

Hour Of Activity


In the hour of the activity, Al-Nahda Modern Schools (English Language Department, Girls Branch) held a training course entitled “The Importance of Cooperation” for the fourth and fifth grades, organized by trainer Awatef Al-Absi.
This activity aims to
To enhance the value of cooperation among students and work in a team spirit.
The activity was supervised by Ms. Shaima Al-Faqih and Mrs. Heba Al-Qudsi in charge of the activity.


Al-Nahdhah Modern Schools, English Section, Boys’ Branch, celebrates
Ahmed Al-Srori
For scoring the third position in ninth grade in the Republic of Yemen of the year 2020-2021.
Wishing him all the best

الرسوم الدراسية للعام 2021-2022 القسم الانجليزي


الرسوم الدراسية للعام 2021-2022 للقسم الانجليزي



You fought battles, overcome obstacles.You had a goal, gave it your soul.You worked hard, went the extra yard.You gave it your all and now you stand tall.
Al-Nahdah Modern Schools, English Section – Girls and Boys Branches, has held the 2020-2021 Curricula Competition between students of the Ninth and Twelfth grades.
The competition started at 9 o’clock and was inaugurated by the stage representatives, supervisors and teachers.
The competition has ended with the win of the Ninth grade male students over the […]

Honoring Celebration for Students of the English Section 1_3


Al-Nahdha Modern Schools – Girls’ Branch – English Section 1_3 conducted a celebration for honoring students for the first semester of 2020-2021.

The celebration included many different , parts including welcoming the attendees from mothers, principals, and teachers, then the Holy Quran, followed by the national anthem, which symbolizes the love of the nation and its poverty for the mother, to thank and praise her for her efforts for her son.
The ceremony took place in the presence of the director […]

AlNahdhah Modern Schools on the Top agian


Students of AlNahdah Modern Schools, Ninth Grade have scored the first place in Amant AlASemah in the Curricular Competition which was held on 11th of March, 2020 at Al-Raze University. This competition was among the activities of Ministry of Education and Amanat AlAsemah Education Office. It was a great occasion for students to refresh their knowledge. At the end of the competition, Amanat AlAsemah Education Office represented by an elite of officials honored AlNahadha Modern Schools students.

Celebration of Monthly Top Students – Girls’ Branch


Al-Nahdah Modern Schools Girls’ Branch, English Section 1 st to 3 rd grades , held the celebration of Monthly Top Students ”Pioneers”on Tuesday November 19 / 2019
.The celebration had many parts in which, Qura’an was recited, international anthem was sung, Mothers were thanked for their efforts on their children , teachers were thanked for their great job. Finally, the toppers were rewarded with gifts
The celebration was prepared by,
Miss Amani Al-bidani the Section Principle , the Social Worker , and […]

inaugurated the non- class activities for the students English Section 1-3 grades- Girls branch


On Wednesday October 9, 2019, Al-nahda. Modern Schools – Girls branch / English Section 1-3 grades inaugurated the non- class activities for the students. The activities included an activity for First grade students intitled “Watching and understanding kids movies”.
Second grade students performed a life skills activity intitled “Crossing roads safely” and Third grade students enjoyed a class activity named ” Sun hat”.
All students had fun through practicing the activities that had been supervised by teachers and educators.

The 26th training program for Al-Nahdhah staff members


The quality and development  program has continued its sessions of training  for its staff today, Monday. The sessions have been of different topics . They are as follows:

conscience Addressing / Tr. Yasmeen Shamsan.
Content  Analysis / Tr.  Mohammed  Al-Mekhlafie.

Al-Nahdhah Schools try their best to find the best experts in  all fields in order to provide their staff with the maximum amount of benefit which might be helpful for our staff for the long-term in the process of teaching.
So, here is, […]